The only positive is that the State of Illinois is truly starting to hit bottom. Maybe leaders will finally start to take some bold actions??
This situation is a total disgrace. The state is forcing many small child care centers to decide -- either mortgage everything and gamble that the state will eventually catch up on payments, or close down now and stop serving their good customers -- hard working low-income families who are paying a portion of the child care, but cannot afford the full freight without a subsidy.
Over 100 parents from Chicago Commons will be going to Springfield on May 16th to say something about all of this.
Child care providers;
ReplyDeleteNot necessary for care center owners / managers to mortgage their assets to keep doing the most important job of educating our future leaders – it will take a little thinking and acting outside the box and mean joining the million plus others benefitting from a genuine and indefinitely sustainable method of passively earning money, to not only allow parents to easily afford child care and future expense of education their children but can also allow the actual center to make enough money to pay all their expenses -
As you will be well aware, the ever increasing cost of Child care and education starts as soon a baby arrives and can last for over 20 years. It’s not always easy for families to provide money to ensure their child has the best possible start to life!
Given the current state of world economies there could be parents who would appreciate the opportunity to receive an additional, legal, easy to get income which would allow more parents to send their children to nursery and pre-schools and help pay for;
Nursery care, -
Their Childs future education –
Their mortgage and most – if not all other bills without having to spend any of their own money?
It will be to your advantage to make time to check out the way you can make a substantial indefinitely sustainable income for your business and the parents of all children (and others) (do not let the low cost deter you – there are those making very substantial monthly incomes – albeit – it will take a little time – help and suggestions as you how to accelerate earning will be yours for the asking!