Finally, we have a bold prescription for Illinois’ fiscal crisis, thanks to Governor Pat Quinn. Maybe we should call him “Dr. Quinn Medicine Man”. This week was a momentous week.
The Governor announced massive proposed changes to the State’s pension and Medicaid systems. These are cuts worth many $billions over the next several years.
This is very bitter medicine. It will be painful for many people with modest or low incomes. But if these steps are not taken, it will mean even worse devastation later.
And, vital social services like child care subsidies have already been cut and are at risk of being completely squeezed out of the state budget if these steps are not taken.
Now it is up to the Legislators to follow Dr. Quinn’s lead and adopt these tough measures.
Chicago Commons, had its own days of financial reckoning several years ago. It required some bitter medicine too. But because we made sacrifices, we are able to continue our positive impact on communities today. By taking these tough steps today, the State of Illinois will have brighter days ahead.